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Judy Jean Kwon

Inland Venice

It was happening last night at a party thrown by "INLAND" clothing store in Venice. The shop is owned by Kristin and Rubin, showcases a selection of high-end, eclectic Venice styles.

They are a talented couple, Kristen is a lovely stylist and Rubin is a hat-maker with his line of "Berto Brims".

Hernandez comes from generations of hat-makers and also works with "NICK FOUQUET". I am proud be be a owner of a "Berto Brim" hat myself. I have noticed in the past few years that Rubin's hat has become a staple of the Venice art scene. You can't go anywhere there are creatives without recognizing a "Berto Brim".

So, last night was CINCO DE MAYO! and INLAND threw it down with a killer, 10 piece Mariachi band, taco-guy, chili piñata, margaritas in a coconut shell and not to mention the beautiful people of Venice. The event was also a part memorial for the property owner's grandma , there was a candle lit for her all night.

I find there is nothing like Venice anywhere else in the world, this very real Venice style. Style of creatives not afraid to express themselves but not to intimidate or snub people but in a communal, freedom, west-coast hipster meets hippy art. Where you can wear Birkenstocks with a $300 jeans, old shirt from a second hand store and a "Berto Brim"! I love it!!!

chili pianta

So let's talk about the chili piñata. It did not go unnoticed especially by the handful of kids at the party, (one of them being mine)post.

They gladly killed the chili piñata after a whole night of plotting.

I am happy that Inland - Kristin & Rubin will be involved with MILFriend.

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