Comedy about Crazy-Ass Moms in Gentrifying Venice beach
where class, color and culture clash!
Pepper is an obtuse punk with a mouth that gets her in a lot of trouble. A lot!
Her life is in the dumps and she has no girlfriends -
maybe because she has always felt like an outsider
or maybe because she doesn't like people -
especially kids and Karens!
They seem to be everywhere since Venice beach has been gentrifying.
Who needs friends? BFF’s? especially GIRLfriends?
Women are all nuts anyways.
Besides, she has friends, Mary Jane “POT” and Jesus!
Jesus Garcia - a Cholo by day and drag queen by night.
He is the inconspicuous Q in LGBTQIA.
He is the only 'girlfriend' Pepper needs.
Pepper has bigger problems to deal with in her life than worrying about other women
...and the drama that always comes with chicks!
Pepper wants to find a home, to care for her Grandma
who lives in the care of Korean Catholic nuns.
Her Grandma is the world to Pepper.
After all, her grandma was the only person that gave Pepper a sense of belonging.
However, with the sky-rocketing prices of homes in Venice Beach reaching a million for a modest home and the reality that Pepper can’t keep a job or ever make enough dough, complicates things.
When Pepper gets fired again for running her mouth at a group of privileged Karens,
Pepper’s kooky landlady, Giselle, forces her to take a job as a clown at kid’s parties.
and worse,
Moms! aka Chicks!
and even worse,
Kids and Karens together!!!
But that is nothing compared to what life has in store for her... a baby of her own.